Matching disadvantaged children to day care: Evidence from a centralized platform (with M. Rho)
Olivier De Groote
TSE Working Paper
Market Design
Returns to Schooling
Educational Outcomes
Enhancing Human Capital in Children: A Case Study on Scaling (with F. Agostinelli and C. Avitabile)
Matteo Bobba
Journal of Political Economy
Human Capital and Labor Market
Returns to Schooling
Dynamic Effort Choice in High School: Costs and Benefits of an Academic Track
Olivier De Groote
Journal of Labor Economics
Market Design
Returns to Schooling
Educational Outcomes
School segregation in the presence of student sorting and cream-skimming: Evidence from a school voucher reform
Ana Maria Gazmuri
Journal of Public Economics
Education Policy
Market Design
Experimental and Behavioral Studies
Perceived Ability and School Choices: Experimental Evidence and Scale-up Effects (with V. Frisancho and M. Pariguana)
Matteo Bobba
TSE Working Paper
Experimental and Behavioral Studies
Educational Outcomes
Methodologies and Models
School Choice and Class-Size Effects: Unintended Consequences of a Targeted Voucher Program
Olivier De Groote
, Ana Maria Gazmuri
TSE Working Paper
Market Design
Returns to Schooling
Capital humain et recherche d'emploi: un mariage heureux - Human Capital and Search Models: A Happy Match
Thierry Magnac
Revue Économique
Human Capital and Labor Market
Methodologies and Models
Self-Perceptions about Academic Achievement: Evidence from Mexico City (with V. Frisancho)
Matteo Bobba
Journal of Econometrics
Experimental and Behavioral Studies
Educational Outcomes
Methodologies and Models
Application Costs and Congestion in Matching Markets (with Y. He)
Thierry Magnac
The Economic Journal
Market Design
Lifecycle Wages and Human Capital Investments: Selection and Missing Data (with L. Gobillon and S. Roux)
Thierry Magnac
TSE Working Paper
Human Capital and Labor Market
Methodologies and Models
Labor Market Search, Informality and Schooling Investments (with L. Flabbi and S. Levy)
Matteo Bobba
International Economic Review
Human Capital and Labor Market
Tracking and specialization of high schools: Heterogeneous effects of school choice (with K. Declercq)
Olivier De Groote
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Educational Outcomes
Methodologies and Models
Teacher Compensation and Structural Inequality: Evidence from Centralized Teacher School Choice in Peru (with T. Ederer, G. Leon-Ciliotta, C. Nielson, and M. Nieddu)
Matteo Bobba
TSE Working Paper
Educational Outcomes
Methodologies and Models
Market Design
College Choice, Selection and Allocation Mechanisms: A Structural Empirical Analysis (with J. Carvalho and Q. Xiong)
Thierry Magnac
Quantitative Economics
Market Design
Education Policy
Quels étudiants pour quelles universités ? Analyses empiriques de mécanismes d'allocation centralisée
Thierry Magnac
Revue Économique
Market Design
Methodologies and Models
Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle of Earnings (with N. Pistolesi and S. Roux)
Thierry Magnac
Journal of Political Economy
Human Capital and Labor Market
Methodologies and Models
Estimating a Model of Qualitative and Quantitative Education Choices in France (with C. Belzil)
François Poinas
TSE Working Paper
Human Capital and Labor Market
Market Design
Methodologies and Models
High School Track Choice and Financial Constraints: Evidence from Urban Mexico (with C. Avitabile and M. Pariguana)
Matteo Bobba
TSE Working Paper
Market Design
Educational Outcomes
Human Capital and Labor Market
Methodologies and Models
Survey on aspiration and expectations of high school students (with J. Carvalho)
Thierry Magnac
TSE Working Paper
Experimental and Behavioral Studies
Education and Early Career Outcomes of Second-Generation Immigrants in France (with C. Belzil)
François Poinas
Educational Outcomes
Human Capital and Labor Market